Residents committee

Hi there! Just like some other student buildings, the Michiel de Ruyterweg has a residents committee (RC, or BC in Dutch, for Bewonerscommissie). We’d be happy to introduce ourselves!

Tim Leferink is an Embedded Systems student and moved in March of 2012. In his spare time he works on electronics’ projects as well as other stuff.

Ymie Neutenboom is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering. She moved into the Michiel de Ruyterweg in 2014 and is part of the residents committee since 2017. In her time off, she likes to participate in rallies – or prepare her car for the next.

Julian Kaihatu studies Industrial Design Engineering and moved to our building in 2016. Besides studying, he often makes jazz music at Groover or works as a waiter in a restaurant in Delft. He joined the residents committee in 2020.

Tim Meijer started studying in Delft in 2015 (Applied Earth Sciences) and lives at Michiel de Ruyterweg since 2021. If he’s not occupied with enjoying his rock collection, he finds some time to help out in the residents committee.

Our task as RC is to act as a link between residents and DUWO. We try our best to act for the shared interest of all residents, thereby making living at the Michiel de Ruyterweg even better. Some of our tasks repeat yearly, but in between, we are always on the look-out for possible improvements. Our most recent achievements and projects are the following:

  • Together with DUWO and WijWonen, we’re thinking about possible improvements concerning bicycle parking. Maybe more parking spaces are required, or maybe we could benefit from a free bicycle pump.
  • We made it possible for residents to get rid of their empty glass bottles directly in our building (two bins in the room where trash paper is also collected).
  • We extended the cleaning contract to make sure the wooden steps and benches outside are cleaned more often.
  • Since 2016, residents can borrow a key to the parking lot from us, in order to park closer by when they’re moving.